This second pic. shows a close up so you can see the holes and seedlings. It's amazing how many plants you can put in these beds. So far we've planted sweet, yellow, and red onions, radishes, peas, several lettuce varieties, swiss chard, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, and corn. A friend asked for the dirt recipe. Ha! I've had lots of recipe requests over the years, but I think this is my first one for "dirt." Here it is:
1 part compost
1 part peat moss
1 part vermiculite
Mix all together and fill beds. Our layers are: Newspapers, shredded leaves, and then the special dirt.
Someone else asked why this method might be better than container gardening. It's a huge space saver, and like I said above you can plant so much more in these 4x4 or 8x4 beds. Square Foot Gardening suggest you feed the plants some kind of fertilizer as the soil will become depleted eventually. This is why container medium should be replaced each year. There's nothing left to give to the plants.
The before and after shots of the trout. See that beautiful golden crust with all the flecks of orange zest and cilantro? Mmmmmmmm...... my mouth is watering just looking at it and remembering how good it was.
Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the Love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 8:39
I appreciate all the gardening tips, Dana. That fish dish does indeed look yummilioious!
Carter is such a handsome young man, with a very pretty girlfriend, I might add!
I need to pass on the fish, friend...I'll just trust you that it was good. ;o)
I have a sandbox we built for hte boys when they were little and now they never pla in it. I'm thinking about converting it to a garden. I know who to go to for advice. :o)
Sorry about all the typos...I haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet. ;o)
Amy what a great idea to use an old sand box for a sf garden. Let me know how it goes. Get it filled up soon, so you can plant some spring veggies.
Oh, and I promise I won't serve fish when you come to my home for dinner. ;-)
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