We live near Washington, D.C. and have incredible opportunities of sight-seeing. But our normal routine marches on and we don't always take time to make the trek to the city. Clever husband said recently he'd never gone down to the the Tidal Basin to see the cherry blossoms and he'd like to do so this year. We've had some typical strange spring weather here which ranges from sunny and warm to brisk and flurries within 24 hours. Planning to go before the winds blew the blossoms off, yet avoiding the parade of tourists was like walking a tight-rope. Clever husband called yesterday and asked me to be ready in an hour; we were going to the Tidal Basin.
Parking was a breeze, and the walk around the basin was magnificent. Thanks CH for a wonderful spontaneous date. And thank you Japan for your gift of these beautiful trees to our country.
Parking was a breeze, and the walk around the basin was magnificent. Thanks CH for a wonderful spontaneous date. And thank you Japan for your gift of these beautiful trees to our country.
What would you see if you were a spontaneous tourist in your area? Where would you like to go on a spontaneous date with your mate? Hmmm..... I'm thinking of making a list to keep on hand for those times when we've got time to go. Afterall, this is an advantage of having an Open Nest in this season of life.
Your husband sounds like a romantic at heart, and that date sounds like a dream date to me. :-)
We don't live very close to too many things worth seeing, though we have been known to drive into the Dallas/Fort Worth area (2-2 1/2 hours depending on where we go) to tour an art museum and have a meal in a nice restaurant.
Usually, for spur of the moment times of getting away, we like to drive up to Beavers Bend park outside of Broken Bow, Oklahoma. It's a lovely place to visit, regardless of the season.
Let's do it again, Honey. It was a great spending the afternoon with you.
Aww, you two just make my heart swell! ;-)
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