Friday, October 24, 2008

Eighteen years ago today.....

I was holding my baby girl who was just a few hours old. I was still marveling at the thought of having a girl, convinced God had made me a boy mommy since I'd been enjoying seven years of mothering sticks and snails and puppy-dog tails. Now I had some sugar and spice and everything nice. Our family welcomed her into our arms and she's been a blessing in many ways. Happy birthday to my favorite daugther!


Watalulu said...

Tell you daughter happy birthday for is my birthday too.

MSM said...


Adorable pictures!

Renna said...

I love the pictures, Dana! What a sweet looking family you were (and are!).

It's funny, when we're kids, our birthday is all about us, but when our kids have birthdays, it's also about us. Once a year, we're transported back in time to relive that special day.

Happy birthday to C, a beautiful young woman! :-)

My Open Nest said...

Ha! You're right, Renna, I'd never thought of it that way. There's something about those landmark ages: 1,5,10,13,16,18,21, etc. etc. when does it end? which makes me sentimental. I guess it's because she's the baby of the family and her birth marked the end of my child bearing stage.

On to praying for grandchildren when the Lord chooses to bless!

Renna said...

I don't think it does end, Dana. My dh's mother died at the age of 90. Each year up until her death, she'd call Mike first thing in the morning on his birthday and start the conversation out with "well, X number of years ago today, I....". ;-)

Yes, grandchildren! Life does go on. :-)

My Open Nest said...

Awwwww....... how sweet.

Marilyn - A Mixed Bouquet said...

Oh, what precious photos! Happy Birthday to C! She is a beautiful young woman.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Love the title of your blog, never heard anyone speak of this time in life that way. I'm struggling a bit with my kids leaving, although my youngest is still home about to turn 16. I'm enjoying your posts; happy birthday to your beautiful baby girl!