Then of course there were other celebrations including the men in our lives; Dad, Grandpa, and brother Blake, but those pics. are on grandma's camera. Next weekend she'll celebrate with her friends by spending the evening in Annapolis.
This last picture is from last night right before our cotton-pickin', birthday girl headed out the door for an evening of fun with friends which included "watching the stupidist horror movie ever," eating pumpkin pie, and just hangin' out. Oh, and they did trick or treat one of their friends homes just for kicks.
I'll close out this post with the good-night blessing we say to her every night. It's from Numbers 6:23b-26 when God gave Moses instructions to give to Aaron and his sons regarding blessing the people of Israel: shall say to them,
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
We never say the word "peace" but instead replace it with giving one another the universal peace sign.
1 comment:
What a sweet post, and what a sweet girl you have. I love the pic of the three generations of you having tea.
That C gets more breathtaking everytime I see a picture of her!
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