I added a little salt and pepper and parmesan cheese to the top of the eggs once they were poached. Clever Husband and Busy Girl loved it. They added some Tamari (wheat-free soy sauce) to theirs for some extra flavor.
To be honest we've had some curious looks when we run down the list of the veggies we're growing when it comes to Swiss Chard. Some folks nod and smile and you can tell they're wondering why in the world we'd grow it, or they've never heard of it and don't want to appear ignorant of the lovely plant.
Swiss Chard is in the beet family so the green tops look close to beet greens. The stalks which hold these leaves look like skinny celery or rhubarb stalks in colors ranging from pale green to deep red and even pink and yellow.
Swiss chard loaded with nutritious vitamins including vitamins K, A, C and E, plus several B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron and dietary fiber. Calcium is also in these beautiful plants along with cancer-fighting properties. The reason it's called Swiss Chard is because a swiss bontaist named Koch gave it's official scientific name of beta vulgaris. See told you it was in the beet family. That name doesn't conjure up affection toward this plant, but instead I read it "Vulgar Beets." Don't be alarmed! Nothing vulgar about this plant at all.
Swiss chard loaded with nutritious vitamins including vitamins K, A, C and E, plus several B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron and dietary fiber. Calcium is also in these beautiful plants along with cancer-fighting properties. The reason it's called Swiss Chard is because a swiss bontaist named Koch gave it's official scientific name of beta vulgaris. See told you it was in the beet family. That name doesn't conjure up affection toward this plant, but instead I read it "Vulgar Beets." Don't be alarmed! Nothing vulgar about this plant at all.
Greening up your diet can do nothing but good for your body so planting swiss chard is an easy way to add some healthy greens to your table. We bought "Bright Lights" which is a combo of colors and planted the seeds in late March. We've been harvesting the leaves for the past week and the plants show no signs of stopping. Cut the outside leaves with scissors just like lettuce and it keeps producing from the center of the plant. 
Any takers willing to try adding swiss chard to their menus this week or to their gardens? Try the Eggs in a Nest for a nutritious meatless meal. It fills you up with lots lots good fiber, greens, and veggies, along with the protein in the egg and brown rice.
Here's to brave palates and colorful garden vegetables!
Thanks,Dana!! I am growing swiss chard for the first time this year! I was wondering what else to do with it...
Hi, I'm a first time gardener and new to MD. Can you tell me what you planted in your SFG recently? Not sure what will grow in the summer here but we homeschool and I want to do something with the kids.
God Bless. - Dawn
Hi Dawn,
Welcome to MD and gardening! There are lots of things you can still plant. Your best bet would be to get a copy of Square Foot Gardening. Check your library for a copy. The other thing you might do is contact your local county extension service. What county in MD do you live?
I'm off to visit your blog. Thanks for visiting mine and leaving a comment.
We eat lots of kale here, but haven't yet tried swiss chard. Consider myself challenged (or as Reece used to say, "Mine own self."
I believe I might like this recipe. Wondering what the family would think? I would use egg whites only, and I like the idea of adding some cheese. TFS.
Thanks for responding. I did go check out the county extension for Baltimore County and it was quite helpful. I checked out the SQF book from the library, also very helpful.
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