Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Table Runner Giveaway

One of my favorite places to dream about decorating is The Lettered Cottage. I love Layla's style and wish I could bring her to my home for a week and help me finish my basement decorating.

The photo above shows a cool burlap table runner she's giving away on her blog. Here's the info. about who made it and how you could win it for your home. http://theletteredcottage.blogspot.com/2009/05/coastline-contest.html

The woman who makes these Grace has an etsy shop which can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7044601
If you win Grace will put whatever letter you want on yours. Love it!
You can read more about Grace here on her blog, and she's even having a giveaway, too.

1 comment:

LindseyB said...

Your blog is lovely! I am inspired to go plant some veggies and bake my own bread!

If Clancy is really interested in becoming an ER nurse, she should absolutely read the blog! I update it frequently. As crazy as it is, I wouldn't trade it for any other unit.

Have a great weekend!