Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More of Charlie

The below picture is actually a movie from my digital camera, but I'm not sure it will play. Try clicking on the bottom left corner where you see the little movie icon.
Here Charlie is playing the Celtic drum called a Bodhran.
Here's my Irish husband in the foreground, and our good friends John and Judie who came along with us for the evening.
Charlie has a smooth as silk voice, and is a very approachable down-to-earth performer.
These were reenactors from Jerusalem Mill enjoying the perfect low-humidity evening. A perfect end to a Sabbath. Thank you Lord, for music, for rest, for friends and family, and for giving us the ability to Glorify YOU and enjoy you forever through your creation.
Westminster Shorter Catechism Question #1:
What is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy him forever.
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Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

What is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy him forever.

Amen and amen...

It looks like you had a lovely day. :o)

My Open Nest said...

Arrgghh... I posted the first explanation and set of pics. BELOW this post. Does anyone know how to switch the order of your posts here on Blogger?

Yes, indeed Amy it was a lovely day.

Karen (3rsandahug) said...

I like your new blog. I guess I scrolled all the way to the end first, so I saw your explanation of the pictures before the pics. Lovely!

Now I have to remember to bookmark this one. It has been so long since I've looked at my bloglines account, I'm almost afraid my computer will explode with too many entries to count there - but I'll be brave and go over there to add your new blog.


Judie McBride said...

John and I so enjoyed our day with the O'Sullivan's. Thanks for being the instigators! Love in Christ, Judie

Renna said...

LOL, I am confused by the comments, but let me just say, I'm posting about the Irish picnic, so to speak. ;-Þ

Between the fellowship in a good church family, and a picnic outdoors in the fall while listening to good Irish hymns, it sounds like a perfect day, Dana!