Last year began a tradition of Staycations with two other families whom we've vacationed with for several years. One of the eleven kids got married last summer so thus began our goal of doing fun summer activities locally. Not everyone makes each part of the "Staycation" activities, but we all do our best to take time off to be together.

Last year we did a white-water rafting trip down the Shenandoah, but this year decided to do a shorter trip by tubing down the 'Doah. The top photo is a beautiful view of Harper's Ferry, West Virginia as you drive over the bridge from Maryland into West Virginia. It was a welcomed cooler day, overcast with bits of sprinklings.

Here's the gang above: Clancy, Trevin, Jessie, Hannah, my hubby Michael, Katie, Paul T, and Beckie. Yes, those are the tubes in the background which were incredibly comfortable to rest and relax while floating down this beautiful river.

We had to buy these cute little "floaters" for our sunglasses and of course, Clancy and Trevin found fun ways to wear them. Check out this ironwork on the bridge, it's almost as beautiful as the river and mountains. I took photos on the river with a waterproof camera they sell in the tube rental office, but have yet to have them printed. So, imagine four fifty-something adults with six young adults floating lazily along the river. What a glorious way to enjoy God's incredible creation. Being propelled along with a gentle current of the river and looking up at the sky, an occasional osprey, and friends and family made for a great summer day.

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 1 Tim. 6:17
Thank you Lord for a day of rest in the middle of the week to enjoy your rich provisions.