Friday, October 24, 2008

Eighteen years ago today.....

I was holding my baby girl who was just a few hours old. I was still marveling at the thought of having a girl, convinced God had made me a boy mommy since I'd been enjoying seven years of mothering sticks and snails and puppy-dog tails. Now I had some sugar and spice and everything nice. Our family welcomed her into our arms and she's been a blessing in many ways. Happy birthday to my favorite daugther!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bloggie Giveaway

Here's a fun blog to read, and if you love homemade soaps and lotion bars you just might win one in her giveaway. Hurry she'll draw a name on October 30th.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


My friend Renna mentioned she liked my playlist and was planning on keeping it open to enjoy. I do this same thing throughout the day, and have some favorites.

Here's one of my favorites: Nature Notes from Above I love listening to the sounds of nature while looking through all the creative ways to share nature study with your kids, or just while I'm reading through my e-mails. I no longer have young kids, but when I was homeschooling we did lots of field studies, and schooled outside whenever we could.

I still keep a nature notebook and enjoy sketching, and making notes of birds, trees and flowers. This blog's playlist is inspiring.

Share some of your favorite playlist sites.

Edit: I just had both Nature Notes from Above and my playlists going at the same time, and it was pleasant, an outdoor concert if you will. Louis Armstrong with bird sounds in the background was interesting.

Monday, October 20, 2008


This past Friday night several hundred women gathered at my church to listen to Carolyn Mahaney give us some biblical tips on beauty. If you'd like to listen to the message, check it out here: Beauty.

Carolyn is the wife of our former senior pastor, C.J. Mahaney. C.J. is now leading Soverign Grace Ministries in supporting and planting local churches. Four years ago he handed over the reigns to Josh Harris. Our family has benefited from his teaching and leadership, and are grateful to be in this church.

I recommend Carolyn's books some of which were co-written with her married daughters. If you have a daughter I'd recommend this one:
Girl Talk. Read it first to yourself and then along with your daughter aged pre-teen through young adult. I recommend you read it first, so you can judge what's appropriate or helpful for your mother/daugther relationship.

Many free resources of downloads, PDFs and MP3s from Carolyn's talks directed toward womanhood are here: Womanhood resources.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Things in my House Thursday

A homeschooling friend of mine has three kids who raise chickens and sell their eggs. The chickens are providing beautiful nutrition and eye candy for my family. I'm amazed each week when I open the carton to see the gorgeous colors and shapes. What a creative God we serve!
By the way, the pencil marks on the egg in the lower right hand corner is the date the egg was laid; Laura's kids mark each one.

If you'd like to see what others are sharing from their homes on Thursdays, go check out this blog at MommySweetMom

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Flowers for the Fallen

This floral arrangement was made today in the shop where I work to be sent to the family of Victor. Victor served our nation in two tours in Iraq, came home two weeks ago and was struck by a car and killed. Please pray for his family and all those who knew and loved him.
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